Friday, February 22, 2013

Blogs in the Classroom

To blog or not to blog, that is the question...

I believe that blogs can be versatile classroom tools. I imagine myself using a blog as a way to keep parents in the loop with our classroom activities. I could blog about upcoming projects or activities. Sometimes I might allow my students to follow up with their own reflective posts.

I think that using a blog for networking and sharing is great way to get and stay connected with my PLCs (professional learning communities). Sharing ideas and resources can allow teachers to be more creative, effective and efficient in their lesson planning.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Knowledge is power. I know, that is so cliche, but it is true. The more that we know, the better equipped we are to handle what life throws our way.

Learning is a passion of mine. I want to know, explore and understand this world around me. History fascinates me. Art inspires me. Knowledge empowers me.

I dream to teach so that I can inspire students with my passion for knowledge and understanding. I want to show students that education- reading, math and science can be fun, exciting and relevant! 

As a mother of three, I have had a lot of first hand experience teaching and showing them new things and seeing their eyes light up with wonder.

Children are the future of this world, and I hope to encourage and inspire the next generation with a passion for knowledge.